Gotion High-tech’s Battery Achieves “Made In Germany”

(Adnkronos) – GOTTINGEN, Germany, Sept. 18, 2023 /PRNewswire/ — On the morning of September 16, the first locally produced battery product was officially launched in Gottingen, a famous university town in central Germany. This is a milestone event for Gotion's first battery production and operation base in Europe after Gotion Germany Battery Gmbh was established in Germany last year. On the same day, Gotion also signed cooperation agreements with internationally renowned companies such as BASF, ABB, Ebusco, and Ficosa. "I'm very lucky, it's a very good moment in my life." Andreas, a worker at the Gottingen factory who just signed the first battery pack, shared his excitement with more than 200 colleagues. The official commissioning and operation of the battery pack production line demonstrate that Gotion has achieved localized production and supply in Europe. Gotion's batteries have officially embarked on the path of "Made in Germany". The Gottingen factory's production line is highly automated, with an overall automation level of nearly 70%, and close to 80% in the module assembly stage. Steven Cai, Gotion's CTO, also unveiled the company's strategic planning in Europe on the same day. As he introduced, the current production capacity plan for the Gottingen factory is 20GWh, which is expected to be completed in four phases. Once fully operational, it is estimated to generate an annual output value of EUR 2 billion. Peter Willemsen, COO of Gotion Global and managing director of the German entity, said that the spirit of cooperation between China and Europe is important in efforts to "make Europe green again".   
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Last Updated on 18 Settembre 2023 by Redazione


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